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Keys to Health: Raising happy kittens (and kittens you will be happy living with later)

March 6, 2017

By the time they are 8 weeks old, kittens learn a lot about the world and how they will get along in it. Additionally, the nutrition offered by their moms is imperative to have. That is why they do best staying with their mom and siblings, and interact with us humans and other pets during this period. Mom teaches them about the litter box, and how to have patience waiting for food. Siblings teach them not to scratch or bite too much. Humans and pets teach them not to be scared of them because they are nice to be around. It can be very difficult for kittens to learn these things after 8 weeks, so if your cat has kittens, be sure to allow them to have these experiences and the precious nutrition so they will be happy living with you, and vice versa.The first 3-9 weeks are considered the “sensitive period” for kittens and 3-14 weeks for puppies. During this time frame as many different and safe experiences should be presented to your little creatures.