Please consider regular monthly donations to support the many we care for for the rest of their lives.

Swansea is a feral cat that lost her leg due to a racoon attack. Many years ago as part Bay State's efforts to assist with community trap-neuter-return efforts, a resident cared for cats in his backyard. This awesome man had set up a shelter with heat, and fed a mom and her kittens. He witnessed a terrible attack by a hungry raccoon. One kitten was killed and the mom's rear leg was torn to pieces as she fended off the raccoon. BSAC was called and rescued the remaining kittens and Swansea, as the mom is now known. She received the veterinary care and amputation she needed, and has lived in long-term foster care ever since. Since she is feral, she does not allow human interaction but enjoys her fellow feral house mates. Recently, Swansea has developed medical concerns. Her care and medical expenses are ongoing. Any assistance from donors like you is greatly appreciated!
Help us to continue the care of Swansea and other long-term fosters in need. What your monthly donation makes possible:
$5: litter for 1 month
$10: food for 1 month
$15: flea treatment and dewormer
$20: annual veterinary visits including typical tests and vaccines
Visit us at and click the Donate button. Thanks!